Cantor Integrated Documentation : Month 3 Progress

Hello KDE people. Phase 3 evaluation is on. In this blog  post, I will update you on the progress made during the final month of the coding period. So here are the things done:-

Things Done

1. Added  NumPy's and Julia's doumentation
I have generated NumPy's and Julia's Qt Help files from their official documentation and then added it to the documentation panel. Here is how NumPy's documentation looks like.

2. Added Widget inside backend's Settings page  to add/remove local/remote Qt Help files
  • I have added a widget inside backend's settings dialog page which will allow the users to add/remove local Qt documentation help files or install newer ones from the Cantor's section on the KDE store. Currently I have just added the widget, I plan to complete this feature in the next few days. This is how the widget  looks like.

"Add" button opens up a dialog to add a new locally present Qt Help file, while "Get New Documentation" opens up the Cantor's section on the KDE store. The logic of reading the Qt Help settings into  the ComboBox inside documentation panel needs to be done.

For those interested in trying it out themselves and/or playing with the code, can clone my repository and build it from the source. Here is the link to my repository on which I am working.

That's all folks for this time, until then, Goodbye!!


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